After a quick look at the content calendar this month, it looks like it's promising to be a very "Class Acts:" heavy month, with six classes getting some more love. I am really glad to see the Artificer finally getting some attention, as one of the "non-core" classes it tends to get left out of a lot of the articles and such.
I dont have time to give my thoughts on every entry on the calander (I'll do that as the articles come out) but real quick I saw a few that interested me instantly:
On the 19th we get a full look at the hybrid rules that will be presented in the PH3. I am currently playing a hybrid and there are some definite things that need to change - I have no idea what and right now they work mechanically okay, but instead of feeling like I am making a new "Avenger | Swordmage" class I really feel like I am just a cruddy Avenger and a cruddy Swordmage. Now the combinations you can come up with are interesting and varied and all but the features still just seem to distant from each other...
So of course on the 22nd they are giving us some more Artificer-y goodness. I hope to see a more melee focused set of powers, or perhaps a full on alchemist build, you know like an at will that is quickly mixing the correct components and then throwing the vial to see it either explode or freeze the enemy or become a sticky goop. We shall see, but most likely it's gonna be some new daily powers and a new familiar or something like that - just to spite me. :)
The 22nd must be my birthday - well okay I mean to say Jan 22nd because the 22nd is my birthday just in a different month... Anyway, on that day WotC is hitting us with a Winning Races: Humans. I was actually just ranting to my group the other day about this, how there seems to be a lack of Human love going on around R&D at Wizards. Like how in 3.5e they where releasing the "Races of..." books and when it finally came around to "Races of Destiny" the human book, most of the book was about the Illuminati or whatever they where.
And finally on the 25th, there is an article called "The Art of Binding." I saw that title and nearly exploded with joy. In 3.5e I never did get to play my all time favorite class, the Binder, nor did any of my players ever actually play one. My big baddy at the end of my campaign was a Binder, but that is a far cry from actually playing one. Then 4th ed. hit right after it was released and I never looked back (yet). I know it's probably not what I think it is, its not the resurgence of the Binder class, obviously they already gave the distinction to the Warlock with his Visage pact and such. But I was saddend by that move - it makes sense totally and completely - but one of the things I loved about the Binder was the act of Binding the Visage and then the resulting quarks that came over your character as a result. Also I have a bit of a thing against playing a Striker (even though I think when I have played instead of DM I usually get that role) and the Binder of old was so versatile... Oh well, either way the title has peaked my interest.
And the other articles look great too! Cant wait, to see all this month holds!
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