
Rule Zero: Combat Ritualist

I've always thought that the ritual system needed some tweaking - and I'm not sure what I would do to make rituals more acceptable in non-combat situations, but we here at Forced Movement have come up with a way to use Rituals in combat. Based on the Alchemy system, these new items - called Combat Rituals - key off of a specific ritual, and require the caster to have the Combat Ritualist feat.

Combat Ritualist
Prerequisites: Ritual Caster
You can create and use Combat Rituals.

Combat Rituals
Your character has learned the art of tweaking a ritual so that it can be cast in the heat of battle. A combat ritual is a new type of magic item that only a character with the Combat Ritualist feat and the proper ritual memorized may create and use.

Creating a Combat Ritual:
Creating a Combat Ritual takes half the amount of time it would normally take to cast the full ritual, during which the character spends time scribeing the nessesary components onto a specially prepared scroll. The cost of these special scrolls and component is given on each Combat Ritual, and can usually be found for sale at most places that sell ritual components.

Sample Combat Rituals:
Immediate Repose:
You use a small portion of the healing ritual Gentle Repose to staunch a friend's bleeding.
Level 1
Price: 20gp
Required Ritual: Gentle Repose

Power (Consumable): Minor action. You succeed on the next Heal check made to stabilize a dying ally.

Protective Circle:
You intone the final words of the Magic Circle ritual that you began earlier, with slight variations and a circle of blue-white ethreal runes shoot out around you.
Level 5
Price: 50 gp
Required Ritual: Magic Circle

Power(Consumable): Standard Action. This power creates a zone in a close burst 2 that acts as difficult terrain to any creature of a type, chosen when this power is used. This zone lasts until the end of the encounter or for 5 minutes.

Arcane Reserves
Your eyes glow softly as you refocus some of your energy to ease your minor cuts and bruises.
Level 1
Price 20gp
Required Ritual: Simbul's Conversion (FRPG)

Power (Consumable): Move action. Gain 1d8+half your healing surge value in temp hp. While you have these temp hp you take a -2 to all the damage you deal.

Deadly Pyrotechnics
You have learned how to turn these otherwise harmless child's playthings into deadly weapons.
Level 2
Price 25gp
Required Ritual: Pyrotechnics

Power (Consumable): Standard action. Ranged 10; +5 vs. Reflex; on a hit the target takes 1d10+3 damage and ongoing 2 fire damage (save ends).

Fatefull Attack
The power of fate guides your hand but cares nothing for the risks involved.
Level 4
Price 35gp
Required Ritual: Hand of Fate (PHB)

Power (Consumable): Minor Action. +4 on your next attack roll and a -2 to all defenses until the end of your next turn.

Illusionary Ally
Using the magic stored within this ritual you create the illusion of having more friends then you have.
Level 12
Price 500gp
Required Ritual: Hallucinatory Creature

Power (Consumable): Standard Action. Close Burst 2; targets all enemies in burst; + 15 vs Will; On a hit the target grants combat advantage until the beginning of the target's next turn.

Instant Bonds
You cast your hand out with the final incantations of this ritual, and spectral chains burst forth wrapping themselves around the target.
Level 10
Price 300gp
Required Ritual: Tenser's Binding (DR. 366)

Power(Consumable): Standard Action. Ranged 5; +13 vs Ref; On a hit the target is restrained (save ends) and cannot teleport (save ends)

True Teleportation
Using this ritual's power your attack is everywhere at once.
Level 28
Price 85,000gp
Required Ritual: Linked Portal

Power(Consumable): Move Action. Until the end of your current turn you may determine targeting for a single power from any square on the battlefield, regardless of line of sight or effect. For powers the rely on enemies being adjacent to you or your powers effect, you must choose a single square. At the end of your turn you may teleport yourself or any one ally to any unoccupied square.

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